“ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et congue odio. Fusce bibendum dictum pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus ultrices dui ut facilisis. Maecenas mattis semper felis, vitae scelerisque nisi. Vestibulum porta nunc nunc, vel tristique orci tempus ut. ”
From the family pool, the indoor swimming pool to the water park, the pool, etc. They all have a filtering and water treatment system that is quite similar. together . It is a combination of water filtration system and water treatment system by continuous water purification.
A Swimming Pool needs 8 most basic equipment
Reservoir Water / structure 1 lake
Dedicated pumps for swimming pools
Sand filter / catridge
Water treatment chemicals
Drainage / Water Supply / Drainage / Main drainage
Water returns to the lake
Pipeline systems (pipes and fittings) connect all equipment
Control cabinet